Issue: 2021 - September/October

  • Rod uses the year of isolation to do some reading and recognize his circle of peers and what he’s learned from both.
  • There are many components in Azure storage, which makes security a prime subject for consideration. Sahil looks at authentication and encryption to make sure that your apps are locked up tight.
  • Paul kicks off his new series with improving the user’s experience by making his MVC application run more smoothly using JavaScript and jQuery, along with a spinner from Font Awesome and Bootstrap events.
  • Thanks to spiffy new tools and a more computer-literate audience, it’s time to rethink how we load up our websites. Michael and RSnake set SEO as a priority to make sure you get the most bang out of your design.
  • Setting up a build-and-release project in Kubernetes can eat up a lot of your time. Joydip shows you how Starter can help you build automated CI/CD pipelines and use Kubernetes and containers to deploy efficiently to Azure Kubernetes Service.
  • Microservices have a lot of potential. They’ve got some really nifty tools and capabilities. But setting up your teams to work with them can feel like running an ultramarathon with 400 pounds strapped to your back. Alexander shows you that they sound scarier than they are and provides some great advice for how to use them intelligently.
  • Shawn shows you the alternative to Vue CLI that you didn’t know you needed, but that you’ll have to try: Vite.
  • Kubernetes is great for helping you organize and distribute your applications, but it can be a bit confusing when it comes to the infrastructure for your code. Peter introduces some tools to help you keep track of all of it.
  • Working with NuGet Local Packages
  • If you liked StructureMap for your IoC, you’re going to love Lamar. Jeremy shows you how to take advantage of this nifty tool.
  • You know you’ve done it. You’ve used some open source software that was exactly what you needed at the time. But then things changed. John talks about preparing for the inevitable and avoiding the remorse.
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